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Providing Written Statement
December 30th, 2014 4:31 PM

As an attorney, you need solid, defensible documentation that provides an accurate determination of property value. You can rely on Southmost Realty, Appraisals & Court Expert Witness.

What really sets me apart from the rest is the level of service you’ll receive. With online ordering, a dedicated and secure login area for you on my website, and constant status updates on your projects, you can rest assured that you and your clients will receive the most thorough property appraisals quickly and securely.

The use of a skilled and knowledgeable expert witness can either make or break a court case. An expert witness is recognized as having greater knowledge, greater credentials and more experience than the average citizen.

Often an attorney will call upon an expert witness to prove or disprove a testimony or situation involved in a trial. At Southmost Realty, Appraisals & Court Expert Witness, we offer expert witness testimonial services.

Why do you need an expert battle tested, and strategic appraiser witness?

In the matter of determining authenticity and value, oftentimes, the average citizen, lawyer, accountant, financial adviser, insurance company, or individual will not have sufficient knowledge to act as a witness. Therefore, an expert witness is necessary to proceed. Our appraisers are accredited, certified, and battle tested professionals, and are permitted to serve as expert witnesses in court proceedings. Expert witnesses may be called upon to:

· Assist in Case Studies. As experts in our field, we can assist lawyers in evaluating their case, help determine if the claim has merit, and give specific and knowledgeable information to the relevant parties.

· Provide Written Statements. An expert witness may be called upon during a trial to prepare a report of his findings to be used in negotiations. With our experienced and knowledgeable staff, Southmost Realty, Appraisals & Court Expert Witness is qualified to testify with supporting documents, evidence, and testimony skills.

· Testify at a Deposition and/or Trial. It is important to help persuade the judge, jury, mediators, or arbitrators in any hearings, and/or trial testimony. With the use of our expert witnesses, your case will be argued with complete confidence, and experience.

You can contact us at (956) 412-1357 OR (210) 322-0297 (se habla español) or

For a detailed list of our services and counties click here:

Please visit my website today and give me a call at (956) 412-1357 or (210) 322-0997. I look forward to speaking with you soon.

Adelaido Gonzales, MBA
Southmost Realty Apprisals And Court Expert Witnes
(956) 412-1357

Posted by Adelaido Gonzales Jr on December 30th, 2014 4:31 PMPost a Comment

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